How To Find Emails From LinkedIn In 1 Minute

Want to quickly find emails on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn only shows few email addresses for direct connections, and even those might be outdated or personal email addresses. There is a free method that allows you to quickly search and find verified work email addresses on LinkedIn.

If you stay with me, I’ll also guide you on how to extract thousands of LinkedIn profiles with verified emails and over 45 data points for optimal outreach personalization. Ready? Let’s dive in.

1. The fastest way to find an email from linkedin

With no sign-ups or extensions, simply enter a LinkedIn URL below to find any email address associated with that LinkedIn profile. This free method is quick and efficient.

Here’s how it works:

This is the best approach to search and find verified email addresses from any LinkedIn profile. It also provides tons of data from the lead’s associated company:

You can also submit a list of LinkedIn URLs.

2. Chrome Extensions to get emails directly on LinkedIn

Integrating a LinkedIn chrome extension can transform your LinkedIn experience, enabling you to search for and find email addresses and contact details directly.. It’s like having an email finder right in your LinkedIn search or profile viewing. However, picking the right extension with a competent email finder tool is crucial to ensure you get accurate results.

Here are some recommended extensions:


Prospeo, known for its accuracy, is trusted by over 2,000 companies. It’s not just an email verifier but also includes a LinkedIn Email Finder and Sales Navigator extractor.

  • Tech Superiority: Prospeo consistently outperforms competitors by finding 21% more emails on linkedin, ensuring a hassle-free email outreach.
  • Rich Data Points: With over 45 data points including unique data such as gender and time zone, it offers comprehensive insights for email campaigns.
  • Free Credits, forever: Prospeo’s free plan offers the highest number of free searches in the market.

    Sign up today and use our LinkedIn email finder chrome extension to extract 75 email addresses from LinkedIn profiles for free.


The Skrapp Chrome Extension acts as a LinkedIn email finder tool, enabling users to search and extract email addresses directly from LinkedIn profiles and search results. This chrome extension seamlessly integrates with your LinkedIn account, simplifying the process of finding emails.

With the capability to add contacts in bulk, users can save them to a dashboard, making it effortless to download the data as a CSV or Excel. You can also conveniently export these LinkedIn contact details to a CRM or ESP.

While the Skrapp extension offers an efficient way to find emails from LinkedIn profiles, it does have limitations. It provides only 50 free credits, and the accuracy of the email addresses retrieved isn’t always guaranteed.


The AeroLeads Chrome Extension acts as a versatile email finder, not only extracting email addresses from LinkedIn profiles but also from various other platforms. This means even if an email address isn’t directly available on a LinkedIn profile, there’s a good chance you can find it.

All the email addresses you uncover are verified. They can be conveniently added in bulk and then exported as a CSV or Excel file. To find someone’s email on Linkedin with the email finding extension, you’ll need an AeroLeads account, which comes at a cost. However, they do offer a free trial, granting you the ability to discover up to 10 email addresses from LinkedIn and beyond.

3. Find email addresses on LinkedIn with data in bulk

You now know how to find emails from LinkedIn profiles and also through the LinkedIn search function. If your next step is outreach, it’s important to be able to export those email leads. And not just the emails? you’ll want their accompanying contact details and data to make your outreach more personalized.

To do this using Prospeo, simply follow these steps:

1. Find and Add to Lists: Begin by finding emails and adding them to a list. If you haven’t created any lists yet, you can easily do so while adding a new lead.

2. Open your list on Prospeo: Head over to your Prospeo dashboard at Click on “Saved leads” and then select the list you just created.

3. Exporting Your List: Click the ‘export list’ button. Choose your preferred export format and the type of emails you want to export. By selecting “Valid only”, you ensure that only verified valid emails are exported.

That’s it! You’ll download an Excel sheet packed with 23 data points per lead? all with verified email addresses, ready for outreach!

4. Using Sales Navigator to extract thousands of leads

If you’re looking to accelerate your lead generation and gather contact details in bulk, consider LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It lets you target highly qualified leads using advanced filters.

Here’s an article addressing the question: “Is Sales Navigator worth it?” To summarize, the answer is yes. You can read the article for a more detailed insight.

How to find email addresses from linkedin sales navigator:

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