How to get emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator lists

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for building targeted lead lists, but it only provides email addresses for about 4% of profiles, and you have to check each profile manually!

Some Chrome extensions can export your entire search or list, find email addresses using advanced algorithms, and verify them—all within just one minute.

Follow these 4 steps to get emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  1. Download the Prospeo Chrome Extension.
  2. Go to your LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search or list.
  3. Click the “Extract Emails With Prospeo” button.
  4. Go to your dashboard and download your export with email addresses.

Method 1: Using a Chrome extension to extract emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator

There are two different methods to find emails on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, each with its own set of pros and cons.

The first and most effective method involves using a Chrome Extension to find emails on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

This method allows you to extract up to 5,000 leads, along with all their LinkedIn data and automatically find their verified professional email addresses, in just a few minutes.

Later in this article, I’ll explain why it’s crucial to avoid contacting personal email addresses.

Step 1. Create a free account on Prospeo

Go to and set up your free account.

Step 2. Download the Chrome Extension

Click here and get the Prospeo Chrome extension downloaded.

Step 3. Export Sales Navigator Leads with Emails

With the Chrome extension installed, go back to your Sales Navigator search or list, hit refresh, and a new button titled ‘Export with Prospeo’ will appear.

Click it to export your Sales Navigator leads list to Excel.

You’ll be redirected to your Prospeo dashboard where a menu will pop up. Here, you can name your extraction and select ‘Skip leads you already extracted’.

The extraction process begins, and an estimate of how long it will take is displayed. You can leave this page and return later.

Once the extraction is complete, view the results page to preview your list. Ready to proceed? Click ‘Download’ to save your list.

Upon clicking download, a menu will open, offering a few options to download your email list.

  • Export format: Choose between Excel file or CSV file: it’s your choice!
  • Type of email to extract: Selecting ‘valid only’ means you’ll receive a list of leads with only the valid and verified email addresses.
  • Data you want: If there’s any data you don’t need, no problem – just remove it from the final file.

And there you have it! You’re all set with a CSV or Excel file filled with your leads, featuring verified business email addresses and 43 other useful data points, ready for outreach.

You can also import your email list directly into any CRM.

5. What data can I export?

You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to scrape emails, phone numbers, and every details available on LinkedIn like company name, company size, and job title and more.

Method 2: Find emails on LinkedIn profiles

The second method on our list involves finding out email addresses straight from LinkedIn.

Finding email addresses directly on LinkedIn is more cost-effective, but it has two major drawbacks: it’s time-consuming, and many of the emails you find are personal rather than professional.

Essentially, we will utilize all available means to find the email addresses directly on LinkedIn:

  1. Contact information
  2. Profile Information

Contact information

Every LinkedIn profile has a contact section, which is also available on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

The challenge with this method is that there are very few available email addresses on LinkedIn:

  • If you’re not connected with the leads, you will find on average 5% email addresses.
  • If you’re connected, this number increases to only 30%.

This technique allows you to get emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, but it’s unlikely that you’re connected with every lead you’re attempting to outreach.

And even if you are, you’ll only have access to 30% of email addresses, many of which are personal, which is not ideal for your lead generation.

Profile information

Another way to find an email address is by checking the profile itself. About 10% of people list their emails in the ‘About’ section or banner. While this method is free, it’s neither efficient nor scalable.

It might help for a very important person for whom your Sales Navigator email extraction did not find the email address, but I highly recommend you using Prospeo’s Chrome Extension to export every leads at once.

Why Personal Email Addresses Hurt Your Outreach

Unless you’re a recruiter using your Sales Navigator account to scrape the perfect candidates, saving personal email is not a good idea.

Besides the fact that there are very few email addresses available on LinkedIn, especially when you’re not connected with your leads, these email addresses are personal 60% of the time.

I wouldn’t recommend you saving these contact info for b2b sale and email outreach.

1. Professional email addresses lead to better results

Sending emails to personal addresses reduces your response rate by around 20%. People prefer not to be contacted for business on their personal email, and these addresses are harder to verify, which can damage your sender reputation and lead to your emails being marked as spam.

2. Personal email addresses are not GDPR compliant.

You might not be aware, but these emails are not GDPR compliant, and therefore it’s not legal to contact them in the EU.

It’s not strictly illegal to reach out to this type of email addresses in the US, but you’re not supposed to contact them for business-related purposes, and you should always have their consent to reach out to them.

How to choose the best email finder to extract email from Sales Navigator

We’ve established the importance of professional email addresses for better results during cold emailing. This means you’ll need to use an email scrapper tool that find professional emails addresses based on the LinkedIn information of your leads.

Here are two crucial factors to consider when looking to extract emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  • The number of valid emails you can obtain from one extraction: Your pool of potential leads isn’t endless, so it’s vital to maximize the number of email addresses you extract from your list.
  • The Deliverability Rate: It refers to the accuracy of the email addresses you find. Reaching out to incorrect emails can lead to your messages landing in the spam folder.

An independent study conducted by Eric Nowoslawsky & reveals that Prospeo’s automation and email scraper outperforms by finding on average 20% more emails than its competitors!

Prospeo’s email finder not only excel in finding more emails but also boasts a stellar 98% deliverability rate, earning its stripes as the most efficient email finder on Sales Navigator in the industry.

Read the blog article about the study here.


Does LinkedIn Sales Navigator provide email addresses?

No, it doesn’t. While you can find some emails for 1st-degree connections, you’ll need a Chrome Extension like Prospeo to extract email addresses from a Sales Navigator list.

How to extract emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

To extract emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you’ll need to use a Chrome extension like Prospeo. This LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extractor enables you to export your Sales Navigator list complete with professional email addresses in just one click.

How to Import Emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator into HubSpot, Salesforce, or Any CRM

Once your file is ready, you can effortlessly import it into your preferred CRM, whether it’s HubSpot, Salesforce, or Pipedrive.

Simply import the extracted profile with verified email addresses from your computer and make sure all columns are correctly mapped to the corresponding fields in your CRM.

With the extracted data, you can personalize your outreach, leading to better results in your outbound efforts.

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