How to Use LinkedIn Post Inspector and Get More Leads with Great Posts

First impressions are everything: especially when it comes to building your LinkedIn presence for lead generation. The last thing you want is to hit “publish”, and then realize afterward that it’ll look bad when someone else shares it.

Not only is this embarrassing, but it can also negatively impact your own or your brand’s reputation. 

Thankfully, there’s the LinkedIn Post Inspector.  With this free tool, you can create LinkedIn post previews and guarantee that everything is polished!

In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the LinkedIn Post Inspector and how to harness its full potential. You’ll make sure every post you share on LinkedIn leaves the right impression!

What Is LinkedIn Post Inspector and How Does It Help?

You can think of the LinkedIn Post Inspector as a debugger. It points out any issues so you can catch errors before the post is live. 

If you regularly create content on LinkedIn, especially for lead generation efforts, this feature needs to be in your toolbox. 

It gives you previews so you can see if the image, post title, metadata, and other details match your link perfectly. It’s all about making your post look good and capturing your audience’s attention.

But it doesn’t stop there. You can use it to check for problems like broken links or missing images in your posts. By catching and fixing these issues early, you’ll avoid the embarrassment of posting flawed content and having to go back to edit them. 

How to Use LinkedIn Post Inspector

Using LinkedIn Post Inspector is a straightforward process. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Head over to the LinkedIn Post Inspector site.
  1. Enter the URL for your post and click “Inspect.”
  2. You’ll see a detailed view of your post on the next page.

In our case, where the original post was an engaging carousel, we’re not too happy with what we get with the LinkedIn Post Inspector. (Making an internal note to the team: let’s fix this, folks!)

The Post Inspector will typically show you the title, author, images, description, and more. From there, you can:

  • Optimize Your LinkedIn Content: If your post seems to have missing data, this is the moment to fix and optimize it.
  • Refresh Your Webpage Data: Update LinkedIn’s data about your webpage by re-scraping it for the latest metadata. 
  • Debugging Made Easy: With an understanding of how LinkedIn pulls your data, you can quickly identify and address any issues lurking and impacting your content. 

Why Should You Post on LinkedIn, Anyway?

While LinkedIn is known for building your professional network and looking for jobs, sales pros know it’s a hot spot for leads. And to get them in the first place, you’ll need content that proves your worth. Then, you’ll see benefits such as the following:

  • Expanding Your Market Reach: With nearly 1 billion users, LinkedIn lets you grow beyond your immediate network and explore new markets.
  • Increasing Brand Visibility and Awareness: By regularly posting high-quality, valuable content, you can quickly grow and establish yourself as a thought leader. When you reach out to a lead via cold email or cold DM, they’ll remember seeing you somewhere: on their LinkedIn feeds!
  • Growing Your Online Presence: Staying active on LinkedIn makes it easier for you to grow a following that you can tap into for significantly warmer leads.
  • Building Genuine Connections: Connect with others in your industry to create authentic relationships, resulting in meaningful business connections and lead opportunities.

Pro Tip: The Ultimate Guide For Getting Leads on LinkedIn in 2023

If you want more details about optimizing your profile, making content that’s a hit, and overall tips and tricks for LinkedIn lead generation, check out our ultimate guide

Inside, you’ll find actionable info you can use right now to turn your LinkedIn into a revenue-generating powerhouse! 

Best Practices for Creating LinkedIn Content that Generates Leads

1. Make Sure Your Profile Is Optimized

Your LinkedIn page is your digital ID and is crucial for generating leads. Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date from the start. 

Include a professional headshot and an attention-grabbing headline in your profile. Then, use your summary to highlight your qualifications, experiences, and unique selling points.

As the founder of Prospeo, the most accurate email finder and verifier, you know I’m all about those benefits!

Don’t forget about LinkedIn search engine optimization. Reference the keywords related to your industry or offer frequently throughout your profile, so you appear in the right searches. And to keep things interesting, frequently update your profile with your most recent accomplishments, works, and projects!

The key posts I emphasize on my LinkedIn profile.

In addition to drawing in leads, a well-optimized LinkedIn profile motivates people to engage with you and find out more about your services. 

If you already use Sales Navigator, you can also check out your LinkedIn Social Selling Index to see which parts of your profile you can optimize for even better results. 

2. Know Your Audience

Spend some time researching and understanding your ideal clients. What are their hobbies, challenges, and work titles? Once you have a fully fleshed-out picture of who you’re talking to, create content that addresses their challenges, pain points and aspirations.

This might take educational pieces, how-to manuals, or case studies. (All of which can be neatly condensed into LinkedIn Carousels.) Use messaging they can relate to so you show them how deeply you empathize with them.

Carousel example from SiteGuru.

Not only will you get more high-quality leads, but you’ll also turn from being the standard LinkedIn cold-pitcher into a professional who can help take their business to the next level.

3. Always End Your Posts with a CTA

CTAs are the bread and butter of creating content that gets leads. They give your audience a clear action plan for what they can do after engaging with your post. Whether inviting them to visit your website, download a resource, send you a message, or schedule a consultation, a well-crafted CTA pushes them toward where you want them to be. 

Make sure your CTA is concise, specific, and compelling. Let your audience know what’s in it for them when they follow your call to action. For example, instead of “Book a call,” you can make your CTA more specific by saying: “Book a call to get a detailed action plan for your [GOAL].

Use action-oriented language to create a sense of urgency and make it easy for your audience to take the desired step:

“Only two spots left in our program! Don’t miss out. DM me by the end of the day and get the next steps in your inbox.”

When you consistently include CTAs in your LinkedIn posts, you make it clear to your audience how they can engage with you or learn more about your products or services. 

4. Perfect Your Posting Format

The format of your LinkedIn posts plays a crucial role in their effectiveness. 

To grab your audience’s attention, start with a captivating hook. Bold claims, specific numbers, or polarizing language can create an instant connection with your readers. These hooks should be relevant to the content you’re sharing, sparking curiosity or interest.

Just make sure your audience is okay with your tone!

Educational content is precious on LinkedIn. Share tips, industry insights, or step-by-step guides that offer practical value to your audience. Audiences typically love tips that they can immediately try to see results.

That’s why the formula posts are so popular!

Depending on your business type, you can also use “Steps to X” formulas for LinkedIn posts. Source.

Don’t forget to include visuals! They’re the ones that will stop the scroll, so use Carousels, images, or infographics to spice things up.

Finally, don’t be afraid to be human. Share stories, experiences, or examples that connect with your audience on a personal level. When your content resonates emotionally, it becomes more relatable and memorable, encouraging deeper engagement and, ultimately, lead generation.

Every Good Post Starts with a Thorough Check

And LinkedIn posts are no different. 

So, the next time you decide to share something phenomenal with your audience, make sure it looks and feels exactly the way you want it to. All you need is the LinkedIn Post Inspector!


Q: How do I fix my LinkedIn post preview?

A: If you’re having issues with your LinkedIn post preview, the easiest way to resolve it is to use the LinkedIn Post Inspector to clear and refresh the cache. 

Q: How do I clear my LinkedIn link cache preview?

A: After entering the link you want to share, use the LinkedIn Post Inspector to inspect the link. This process refreshes the cache and ensures that the latest information and preview are displayed when you share the link on your LinkedIn post.

Q: How do I change the preview of a LinkedIn link?

A: You can change the preview of a LinkedIn link by using the LinkedIn Post Inspector. Simply input the link you want to share into the tool and inspect it. From there, you can edit and customize the preview elements, such as the image, title, and metadata, to match your preferences and make sure it aligns with your post’s content.

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